How to Prevent Wrinkles

Natural Ways to Prevent Wrinkles

Wrinkle prevention starts with protecting your skin from damage. Specifically, you need to protect your skin from the sun and other harsh toxins. The sun causes the most damage which not only results in wrinkles but can also cause age spots and even skin cancer. Protect your skin from the sun by limiting exposure through the following:

  • Wear sunscreen. The higher the SPF the better. Make sure you pay close attention to the directions because most sunscreens need time to take effect after application and need to be reapplied periodically.
  • Avoid the sun when it is at its strongest. Specifically, limit exposure during the summer and in the middle of the day (noon to around 4 p.m.).
  • Avoid tanning. Whether you are outside or in a bed, the UV rays will work to damage your skin.

Another wrinkle producer is smoking. Stop smoking and you will drastically slow the aging process. The toxins and smoke produced through cigarettes is brutal not only on your lungs and heart, but also on your skin.

Prevent Wrinkles by Fighting Back

Even your best efforts at preventing wrinkles will not stop the steady advance of time. In the end, wrinkles will arise if you aren't proactive. As discussed, the best way to prevent wrinkles is to avoid damaging your skin. But your next step in wrinkle prevention involves the application of a wrinkle product to keep your skin healthy, moisturized, and to stimulate the production of collagen in your skin (collagen is produced naturally by your body and helps skin maintain its elasticity which prevents wrinkles). With Americans spending $12 billion a year, you can expect to find a lot of products to choose from. One important component in a wrinkle product is antioxidants. Antioxidants are all natural and they work to repair damage and fight the effects of aging in the body. A good wrinkle product should provide a cocktail of antioxidants from multiple sources.

Do not let another day go by without taking the appropriate steps to prevent wrinkles. Never forget that your skin is constantly being exposed to damaging elements every day. Make sure that you not only protect yourself as you go about your daily life, but take time in the mornings and evenings to proactively prevent wrinkles by using a wrinkle product full of antioxidants that will help repair the damage done to your skin.

If you are interested in learning more about preventing wrinkles using a wrinkle product, check out our review of Aquascoop. Aquascoop is loaded with antioxidants and it encourages your skin to produce collagen. Click here to learn more about AquaScoop.